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高频电源、仿金电源、超声波、回转头、电镀槽、过 滤机等各种电镀设备

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 大亚电器集团有限公司(原浙江大亚电器设备厂)创办于一九八八年。八九年和上海电器科学研究所 技术合作,九零年荣获机械工业部、电力工业部生产高低压开关、成套设备定点企业称号!现为国家经贸 委两网改造推荐企业!集团公司通过了ISO9000国际质量体系认证,是国家乡镇企业科技进步先进单位。
     集团公司主要生产35KV以下的各种箱式变电站、美式箱变、户外柱上真空断路器、户内压气式、真空负 荷开关,以及高低压成套开关柜等电器。
    集团公司为了开拓市场,多元化发展,于2000年开发高频电源、仿金电源、超声波、回转头、电镀槽、过 滤机等各种电镀设备。 
    集团公司拥有雄厚的技术力量。公司以“让客户满意”为服务方针,以“诚心为本”为经营原则,多 年来深得新老客户的好评!我公司将再接再厉,为广大新老客户提供更好的产品,更优的价格和更完善的 服务,使我们的产品真诚为您的事业添力助威,我们竭诚期待您与大亚电器产品一起同行。
     Daya Electrical Appliances Group(Orig-inally Zhejiang DaYa Electrical Applices Equip-ment Factory)was fonded in 1988.It cooperated in technology with Shanghai Electric Applice Scientific and Technical Research Institute in 1989,and had the honor to receive the fixed point enterprise title of production high and low voltage switch,completeset of equipment from the ministry of mechanized industry and the electric power ministry of industry in 1990!Presently it is the recommendatiion enterprise of two network reconstruction for the natiional economic authentication,is the country rural enterprise advanced unit in technology.
     The group company mainly produces each kind of box type transformer substation below 35KV,American type transformer substatiion,outdoor on-pole vacuum circuit breaker,indoor compressed air type,vacuum load switch as well as high and low voltage complete set switch cabinet and so on electric appliances.  
    Group to open up the markets and diversified development,in 2000 the development of high- frequency power supply initation gold,four pieces,bath,such as electroplating filter equipment.
    The group company has the abundant technical force.The company has been persisting in taking "customer satisfaction" as service policy,taking"sincere as base" as management principle.It has received high praise from old customer for many years!The company will keep up the good work to provide better product,more superior price and more perfect service for the general new and old customers let our products be a real and stable support for your enterpricse.Wewholeheartedly expect you will travel together with Daya electric appliance products.

公司名称: 科兴电镀设备有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 浙江/温州市 公司规模: 50-99人
注册资本: 200万人民币 注册年份: 2000
资料认证:   企业资料通过认证
经营范围: 高频电源、仿金电源、超声波、回转头、电镀槽、过 滤机等各种电镀设备
生活服务 / 投资理财
公司地址: 温州乌牛工业区
公司网址: http://www.kxddsb.114qyw.cn/
联 系 人: 黄珠标 (先生)
最近登录: 2011-09-14 16:32
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